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Edge analytics for solar pv monitoring

EDGE Analytics – How Important Is It for solar PV monitoring?

Edge Analytics for Solar PV Monitoring “It is simply impossible to manage the fluctuations of Nature”. The availability of sun- and wind-based energy may be more abundant than ever, but they are not constant. Hence, energy producers must be able to accurately forecast, store the data and deliver their generation.

For these reasons, energy producers give priority on reliable transmission and asset management.

As the energy sector looks to reduce costs and find new ways for effective asset management, new wave of technology comes into picture – EDGE Analytics.

Edge analytics involves Capturing, Monitoring and Analyzing Data to proactively recognize patterns, providing helpful information to manage connected Solar PV assets and its Operations & Maintenance. By collecting data from EDGE where the data is produced, customer gets information in real-time from connected devices and reduce the data traffic.
"By implementing edge analytics reduces latency, costs, and security risks, thus making the associated business more efficient."

In Energy management industries, what went wrong after the fact may be late. EDGE analytics are to detect patterns instantly, forecast when failures may happen,and shut down the equipment’s before it fails. By integrating edge analytics into Solar/wind industries, can monitor issues in real-time and reduce plant down time and overall costs. To ensure higher yields as environmental conditions vary, existing infrastructure can be outfitted with edge analytics so that plant can perform with less down time and feed more power to grid.

EDGE Analytics brings data processing power at the edge of system, closer to source of data.

Effective Technology for Efficient Monitoring of Solar PV Asset.

We described the benefits of using EDGE Analytics. From the implementation perspective, Edge computing is ideal for IoT applications that require minimal network latency. Amount of data sent through networks, stored and processed on a cloud platform decreases and reduce costs. The IoT controller will have the ability to run application locally and execute threshold-based notifications. In addition to that, the controller should have ability to store the data locally which allows the controller to operate even in isolate mode.

Security is another key factor on EDGE Analytics. EDGE Controller should have permission-based access control, secure encrypted communication and compatibility to integrate with existing security system, if any. The Controller should also have remote login access to Enable /Disable / Configure the functionality.

Day by day the technology is getting advanced, and sustainable energy future is well within reach. EDGE analytics capabilities will be preeminent to success for who looking to increase the reliability system, reduce costs and improve overall system efficiency.

Avi Solar Claims Edge Analytics on APIC (Avi on Premises IoT Controller) series controller & EagleSun SCADA


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